The products on the VelPure have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not approved nor are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The information provided on this site is provided for your informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options.
Information on this site is presented in summary form and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical conditional. Please read the product label, packaging and any information provided by the manufacturer before starting any treatment for health issues. We strongly discourage self-management of health issues. Contact your healthcare professional promptly should you have any health related questions. Never disregard or delay medical advice based on information you may have read on this site.
Product ratings by site users are strictly their own personal views and are not intended as a substitute for appropriate medical care or advice from a healthcare professional.
If there are discrepancies between information provided on this site and the product label or packaging, the customer should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging. If clarification is needed, contact us directly or consult with a medical professional, regarding product labelling, packaging details and recommended use.
In regard to recommendations regarding supplements for any health purposes, neither VelPure, or parent company VirtualSilver Group Ltd. are liable for any information provided on this site. The Food and Drug Administration and has not evaluated the products or claims made about specific nutrients or products. Before starting any diet, supplement or exercise program, consult a healthcare professional. Dietary products are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease. The VelPure store ( makes no guarantee or warranty with respect to any products or services sold.
Neither VelPure, nor parent company VirtualSilver Group Ltd. are responsible for any damages for information or services provided even if VelPure (or parent company VirtualSilver Group Ltd.) have been advised of the possibility of damages.
VirtualSilver Group Ltd.
PO Box 9774 Marion Square
Wellington 6141
New Zealand