How To Stay Active – In Your 40s, 50s, 60s And Beyond!

Stay active with VelPure premium New Zealand High-Potency Deer Antler Velvet ExtractAre you finding it more and more difficult to exercise? Is joint pain making you less active? If so, please know that you are not alone. We all want to be able to do the activities we love like gardening, playing golf, playing with our grandchildren or taking the kayak out for a paddle.

The problem is that due to joint pain, many people find it harder and harder to live a healthy, active lifestyle as they get older. This is generally caused by simply having a life worth living. Over time, stress, playing sports, and overindulging can cause wear and tear on your joints, making them very painful.

The catch-22 here is that giving up an active lifestyle – even though it's painful – can actually make the problem worse. The more you keep exercising, the healthier your joints are. But joint pain makes you want to be less active!

What can you do? 

Risky Drugs Are Not The Answer

When you start feeling joint pain and realize it's affecting your life, the first thing most people do is take a trip to the doctor's office. But many times, that can make it worse. Doctors are trained to offer chemical solutions. They want to give you chemicals to take the pain away. 

  • There are several problems with this:
  • Masking the pain doesn't make your joints any healthier.
  • All of these drugs come with scary side effects that can hurt your life in other ways.
  • The body isn't designed to deal with artificial chemicals.
  • You may be creating other, new health problems including kidney damage and cataracts.
  • Many of these drugs damage your natural collagen, causing your joints to degenerate, making the problem worse.

This is not an option you want to choose if you can possibly avoid it. Luckily, there is a solution that can help you not only reduce joint pain, but actually increase the collagen in your cartilage, making your joints stronger and healthier for the long term. 




An All-Natural Way To Ease Joint Pain And Start Enjoying Life Again

Velpure CapsulesBecause we want people to be able live life to the fullest and feel young and vibrant during the best years of their lives, we've created VelPure, an all-natural joint pain solution that uses the power of deer antler velvet to help your joints feel better and become stronger.

Deer antler velvet has been used by Chinese doctors for over 2,000 years, and contains 40 key compounds and 400 active ingredients – including collagen and the powerful Protein IGF-1.

While doctors will almost never tell you about it, velvet antler has been scientifically substantiated, by research and clinical studies in compliance with FDA regulations, "to support healthy joint structure and function", and research carried out in New Zealand and several other countries has shown it may increase athletic performance and recovery. What it does is increase your natural collagen levels while lessening pain and helping your joints become stronger naturally.

Deer antler velvet is not only all-natural – but it is also cruelty free. You see, a deer's antlers naturally regrow every year, and the animal's health and well-being is of the utmost importance to us and our farmers. (In fact, our stags have a relatively long life - often 10 years or more - and because they are farmed in extensive pastoral systems with few other interventions apart from routine health procedures, they generally have a much better life than their wild cousins!)

Here are just a few advantages of using VelPure deer antler velvet to help with your joint pain.

  • Unlike other companies, we use a standardized concentration of premium-quality NZ deer antler velvet to help you improve your life.
  • You'll never have to worry about the side effects of dangerous prescription medication.
  • Our deer antler velvet is harvested only from happy, free-range deer in New Zealand under the strict standards of the New Zealand Food Standards Authority. 
  • Classifies as an 'adaptogen', it works with your body - not only reducing pain and inflammation, but also making your joints healthier.
  • You'll finally be able to get back to the fun, healthy lifestyle you were used to before your body turned on you! 
  • It stops the downward spiral of joint pain that causes you to exercise less while becoming less active, making your joint pain even worse.
“I loved teaching my grandson to play football, but my joints were making it almost impossible. The pills my doctor gave me made me feel worse. But I did the research and found out about VelPure. I started taking it and then next time he came to visit, we spent all after noon shooting goals – and I felt great!”

Jim S.

“For the last five years I’ve suffered from shoulder pain from 30 years of hairdressing, which prevented me from sleeping on my side. After taking VelPure for six weeks, I can now sleep on either side with no pain! I’m now recommending it to my clients!”

Pauline C.
“Going bowling with my team was one of the highlights of my week. But I found myself putting it off. It just hurt too much. One of my friends eventually asked what had happened to me. After I told her, she admitted she'd had the same problem but that VelPure had helped her out. I tried it too and I haven't missed a tournament since!”

Helen L.

For A Limited Time, You Can Try VelPure To Make Joint Pain A Thing Of The Past – At A Deep Discount

We want to do everything we can to help people make the most out of life. And we hope to encourage everyone suffering joint pain to find out if VelPure could be the key that brings back their fun, active lifestyles.

That's why we've created a coupon code – which will only be active for a very limited time – for people who want to take the first step and see if deer antler velvet is the solution they've been looking for.

take 15% off

Copy this coupon code: FB1501
Valid till March 10, 2017

You can use it if you decide to take us up on our trial offer of VelPure and save over $10 on your first order. But remember, this code will not work forever. It has to be activated soon, or you will end up paying more.

Remember, VelPure with natural deer antler velvet is:

  • All-natural
  • Without side effects
  • Proven to help lessen joint pain and improve joint health
  • The way thousands of people are making their lives fun again! 

Just click the link below to order now, so you can start to feel better and save money on the all-natural solution to eliminating joint pain!

Buy VelPure Ultra 

Do it now!  Don't forget to use coupon code: FB1501

Do you have questions about VelPure? Take a look at our 'Frequently Asked Questions' page. If your question is not answered there, contact us through our contact form. We'd love to hear from you! 

(Make sure you copy the coupon code 'FB1501' before you leave this page to take advantage of the limited time 15% discount!)

 PS. Why not try Velpure for 60 days since your purchase is completely risk free? We are confident you will start seeing results from taking VelPure or we wouldn’t give you our iron-clad guarantee. You’ve got nothing to lose… If you’re not seeing benefits within 60 days, let us know and return any used and partly used bottles, and we’ll cheerfully refund your money. Click the button above to take advantage of this special discount before it expires.

PPS. The sooner you try it, the sooner you'll find out if it works for you. Every day you put it off could be another day of living with pain that could have been a thing of the past.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is deer antler velvet? Deer antler velvet is a remarkable superfood, containing 40 key compounds and 400 active ingredients, including the powerful protein IGF-1. Scientists have established that it contains 13 growth factors, 21 amino acids, 20 glycosaminoglycans and many minerals and trace elements, and it's believed these work synergistically in the human body to restore the body's systems to balance.

Is  deer antler velvet safe? There have been no reported cases of side effects or toxicity from using Deer Anter Velvet when taken in recommended doses.

What other benefits does antler velvet have? Deer velvet is best known in the western world for use by athletes for supporting strength, endurance and recovery from heavy training, and by the elderly for protecting and restoring joint health, but people are increasingly discovering the benefits for general health, immune function, blood pressure and cardiovascular health, restoring normal cholesterol balance, and improved mental function.

What’s so special about New Zealand deer velvet? New Zealand leads the world in both production of and research on deer antler velvet, and has built a reputation for producing the finest deer velvet available, with free roaming, grass fed herds and strict animal welfare codes to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all animals. Unlike deer velvet from other countries, our velvet is free of disease and agricultural and chemical contaminants, including chronic wasting disease (CWD), pesticides, fertilizers, GMO’s and PCB's.

Why choose VelPure? Our deer velvet capsules are the highest quality available, made from New Zealand red deer velvet humanely harvested at maximum potency. Our triple extraction process concentrates the essential proteins, amino acids, and IGF factors, providing enhanced bioavailability of up to 80% - compared to typically 10-20% for most other products on the market. Our product is also ’standardised’, meaning its active content has been analysed during processing and its Active IGF-1 and Growth factors level set to a predetermined level to ensure guaranteed potency and consistent efficacy effects.

Who can benefit from VelPure? Virtually everyone can benefit from deer antler velvet due to its broad range of benefits. Men and women of all ages can benefit from taking VelPure because it supports the whole body’s ability to adapt to and resist stress, diseases, degeneration and toxins. Deer antler velvet helps bring the body's systems back into balance and also has potential anti-aging properties which will benefit everybody - regardless of age!

Are any deer harmed to make VelPure? Absolutely not! In New Zealand, the harvesting of velvet is controlled by a strict Veterinary Code of Conduct, and carried out under the supervision of veterinarians. A local anesthetic is administered at the time of removal when the antler is mainly formed of cartilage and is well-supplied with blood vessels. The stags are then immediately released to graze. This practice has the endorsement of veterinarians, animal behaviorists and animal welfare watchdogs.

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