Video: HGH And Deer Antler Velvet

November 09, 2017

Video: HGH And Deer Antler Velvet
This is a video by Woodward TV on HGH and the anti-aging benefits of Deer Antler Velvet.
Note that VelPure are not associated with WoodwardTV in any way.


The best deer antler velvet comes from New Zealand where the animals are raised on large open pastures, and there are very high standards of animal welfare and quality control. The antlers are removed humanely and the deer aren't killed - in fact our deer live longer lives than their wild cousins!

VelPure is a small company that supplies the best quality New Zealand red deer antler velvet extract available anywhere, called VelPure Ultra. Our deer are humanely and sustainably raised, roam on open pasture in the South Island of New Zealand, and live long and happy lives. Our product is also GMO, CWD, hormone, gluten, corn, yeast, and preservative free, and ’standardized’ (meaning guaranteed stated dosage).

Read Capsules vs Sprays - Which is Better, on our FAQ here.

Buy VelPure Here.

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